Social Responsibility

Social Responsibility

We seek to make a positive impact on local communities wherever our staff, customers and suppliers live and work around the world.

Express Logistics an important role in society – we make a difference by helping people to operate in a safe and secure environment where they can thrive and prosper.

Our size and scale mean we touch the lives of millions of people across the globe and we have a duty and desire to ensure the influence we have makes a positive impact on the people and communities in which we work.

Integrity is one of the group’s core values – being a responsible business partner, employer, customer, and supplier is an important part of our strategy and forms an essential foundation on which we carry out our business.

We have made significant progress in implementing our CSR strategy and are committed to our long-term CSR goals. We manage our businesses in a way that protects communities, the environment, our people, customers, suppliers, and other stakeholders and creates sustainable long-term partnerships, built on trust and respect.

Securing Our Communities

At Express Logistics we seek to make a positive impact on local communities wherever our staff, customers, and suppliers live and work around the world. Different countries across the world face different challenges to their societies and social well-being. To do this we encourage our business to engage and invest in community projects, whether directly with cash or through staff volunteering, fundraising, and provision of Epress Logistics services as well as directly benefiting the communities concerned, this action improves our engagement with our staff and deepens our relationships with our customers.

Service Promise

Once you choose Express Logistics  as your security company, you will find a highly trained and motivated service staff, who will provide you with the highest quality security service on a consistent 24/7 basis!


You benefit from our experience
in delivering effective
solutions to the complex
global supply chains of
some of the world’s
biggest corporations.


You benefit from every innovation, whether it involves a simple extension to our Air and Ocean Freight products, whether it means a development in warehousing.


All of this explains why you’ll find the team of outstanding support ready to apply their passion for solutions in support of your business. We are always ready to help with your needs.

Automated Tracking

Our tracking system is next to none, very simple to understand. 100% guarantee for secure shipping & handling. We provide the best logistic service on the market, all over the globe.